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Polycythemia (erythremia, Vaquez disease, erythrocytosis) is a rare type of leukemia. It is characterized by an excessive concentration of red blood cells in the blood. Pathology can be primary or secondary � arising under the influence of certain factors. In fact, these are only symptoms, not independent diseases. But both forms of polycythemia are quite serious conditions, threatening serious consequences and life-threatening complications. Polycythemia - what is it?

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With erythremia, the concentration of red blood cells and, accordingly, hemoglobin in the blood increases. Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow. Erythropoietin, a hormone that is secreted to a greater extent in the kidneys and to a lesser extent in the liver, takes an active part in the process. The development of prednisone pills form of pathology is caused by internal problems in the secretion of red blood cells and is observed relatively rarely.

Typically, the occurrence of erythremia provokes the progression of concomitant diseases - this is secondary polycythemia. The forms of the disease vary in severity and depending on the mechanisms of development of disorders in the hematopoietic organs. Polycythemia vera is a consequence of a benign bone marrow tumor, the development of which is caused by the proliferation of prednisone red blood cells. The formation of a secondary form of pathology is influenced by circumstances that contribute to blood thickening.

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Oxygen and water starvation forces the body to make up for the deficiency through increased secretion of red blood cells. They are able to perform their functions, their volume and shape are within normal limits. Polycythemia vera is characterized by a large number of cells that do not correspond to the norm in size and shape, that is, unnecessary to the body. Tumor growth is associated with two sets of cells. Reasons for the development of polycythemia.

Excessive secretion of red blood cells is usually secondary. But there are regions (for example, Chuvashia) in which cases of familial erythremia, inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, are registered (polycythemia vera occurs only in homozygotes who received one recessive gene from each parent). The main causes of the secondary form of erythremia are oxygen starvation of tissues (congenital and acquired) and high levels of erythropoietin in the blood. The concentration of the hormone can increase due to oxygen deficiency.

Excessive amounts of erythropoietin are produced by certain neoplasms. An increase in the production of erythropoietin is sometimes caused by kidney obstruction and liver cysts, and regular exposure of organ tissue to carbon monoxide (tobacco smoking). Polycythemia in newborns is often transmitted from the mother through blood transfusion or through the placenta. Prolonged intrauterine hypoxia can also provoke the development of erythremia in newborns.

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